Kate Tempest just 3/1 to win 2014 Mercury Music Prize


It’s not strictly politics, but there is some voting going on somewhere, so I’m dipping my toe into one of the best betting events of the year; the Barclaycard Mercury Music prize.

The short list doesn’t even get revealed until September, but we’ve already got a very strong favourite; Kate Tempest.

A “street poet” who was a former student at the Brit school releasing a hip-hop album sounds like the worst idea ever. But ” Everybody Down” is actually quite a good album and, more to the point, is exactly the kind of thing the judges for this award are likely to pick. For an interesting take on how the winner tends to emerge in this event, have a look here.

Favourites have a fairly mixed record in this event, but there aren’t too many stand out albums knocking around to challenge her.  You could have backed her at 50/1 a few weeks back, but shrewd music punters have kept backing her at whatever price we’ve put up. I would be extremely surprised if she isn’t one of the twelve nominees and could easily see her getting a lot shorter than 3/1 at that stage.

If anyone has any suggestions for other contenders we’ve missed out, post them here and we’ll add the best ones to our market.


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